Saturday, November 22, 2008

ANDREAS EKSTROM: Your Relationship with Food

1. How would you describe your diet? How do you feel about it? I love to eat, and I am not picky. I have a soft spot for sugar and one for carbs... Good bread is a cornerstone in my eating. I gain weight fairly easily, even though I am considered thin, and have to watch what I eat. Generally, I think I know more about food than average Joe, and I love to cook.

2. How do you (and/or your family) eat? We eat well! We spend a lot on shopping for good food, we buy fruit and vegetables at the local square. We probably eat a little too much meat rather than beans and other sources of protein, and we could do better on fish as well.

3. Where do you shop for your food? How do your food-shopping habits reflect your values? Locally as much as we can – but practicalities and money are important factors.

4. What does your country/ state/ region do to influence how and what people eat? Does this need to change, in your opinion?Well, the food issue is on everyone's plate (har har) at the moment. There are discussions everywhere, and the Swedish government do make some attempts at informing well.

5a. What one thing can you do to wean yourself off an oil-based diet and onto sun-based foods?
 Move to Spain!

5b. What one thing can you do to improve your eating habits and thus your health?
 Stay off sugar for defined periods of time.

5c. What one thing can you do to encourage others to do the same? Leading by example and shutting up. Annoying food advice is one of the things I really hate. Most people know that that brownie probably isn't good for you in the long run. You just don't want to hear it while you're enjoying it...

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