Friday, November 7, 2008

ANDREAS EKSTROM: Of Dreams and Youth and Possibilities

1. When you were young what did you envision your future to be? And as a follow up, how does it compare to where you eventually arrived? I wanted to be a pilot! And then I got glasses at age 8, so I decided to write instead. Which is what I do. And married with children, I guess, which I am!

2. If you could go back and become yourself at a certain time in life which time would you choose and why? And if you could only take one bit of knowledge or one trait you’ve gained as you’ve grown older (but not too old!), what would it be? And why again? I am not sure I want to go back. I have been there already! I would love some more time with my grandparents, but...

3. Were you a reader as a youth? If so, what kind of books did you read? Who were some of your favorite authors at the time? Very much so. I read everything from kids books to pretty complicated stuff. I read ”Biggles”, all 80 of them. I read Gorbachev's ”Perestrojka” at age twelve. (That is just plain weird.)

4. I’m wondering if there are any dreams you had which you did not achieve but are still working on, or hoping to achieve? Just the usual fame and fortune. Except I am not sure I want more fame and fortune than I have. Ok, maybe a little. I would at some point like to be able to fly a plane! But enough to put in the time and money? No way.

5. Please share a book that has meant something to you, and tell us why. Jules Verne's ”Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” was my first ”big” novel experience. A book that had, and still has, just about everything. I to this day consider it a masterpiece, and I have reread it many times, even as an adult.

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